Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Telescope or Microscope?!

Have you ever been around someone who is always looking for you to FAIL?! Who is always concentrating on the DOWN side of things? Who is "nit-picking" everything/everyone apart?

Ever been around someone who can't see the "big picture" -- who is limited to the world as it pertains to THEM only?!


Think of someone who LOVES being around you now. They are always complimenting you. They are always finding the best in you. You can't WAIT to "live up" to what they see in you! You can't WAIT to give them the next reason to love you even more!

Which person are YOU to your spouse?! Are you a big NEGATIVE walking into the room with a rainy cloud over your head bringing your gloom and doom with you?! Or are you a bit of sunshine brightening each place you go?! It's up to YOU...

No one wants to be put under a MICROSCOPE and viewed to find flaws... Everyone needs to be looked at with a telescope that can find good things even if they're barely visible to the naked eye!

Challenge: STOP nit-picking. Bring SUNSHINE with you on purpose!  Be a PLUS SIGN!  Get your loved one(s) OFF the microscope slide and start looking for the good with concentrated choice of vision.  And bask in the results that others (particularly your mate!) will look forward to being with you instead of dreading it!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Karen, I LOVE this one. The analogy of telescope/microscope... amazing. You have such incredible wisdom. I only regret I wasn't able to learn so much from you years ago...